How to plan your visit to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen

How to plan your visit to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen

How to plan your visit to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen

Planning a trip to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen? Located in Hillerød, Denmark, it’s a stunning example of Renaissance architecture and a key part of Danish history. King Christian IV built it in the early 1600s as a royal residence and symbol of Denmark’s importance.

The castle boasts a striking red-brick exterior with towers and spires. Inside, explore the Great Hall and Chapel, known for their beautiful ceilings and paintings that depict royal life and religious scenes. Today, the castle houses the Museum of National History, which displays artworks, portraits, and artifacts showcasing Denmark’s cultural heritage. Don’t miss the peaceful Baroque gardens with views of Lake Slotsø, perfect for a relaxing stroll into Denmark’s past and natural beauty.

Day trip to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen: Our Experience

We caught the 8 am train from Copenhagen Station to Hillerod, arriving around 8:45 am. Our plan to walk around town was ruined by heavy rain, so we had breakfast at the train station and then took a taxi to the castle. Taxis were easy to find near the station, and the fare was reasonable, about $15.

We reached the castle by 9:30 am and found ourselves among the few waiting for the doors to open at 10 am. The ticket office opened promptly, and with only a dozen people ahead of us, we practically had the whole castle to ourselves.

The audio guide was excellent, taking us through the museum, the impressive Great Hall, and the beautiful Chapel. Unfortunately, due to the heavy rain, we skipped exploring the gardens.

We originally planned to take a taxi back to the station but after waiting for ten minutes with no luck, we decided to walk instead. Hillerod, though small, is charming, and we enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the rain before catching the 12:15 train to Helsingore. There, we spent the rest of the day at Kronborg Castle and had dinner in Helsingore.

Frederiksborg Castle

History of Frederiksborg Castle

Frederiksborg Castle, located in Hillerød, Denmark, is renowned for its stunning Renaissance architecture and historical significance. It was built in the early 17th century by King Christian IV and served as a royal residence for Danish monarchs. The castle has endured fires and reconstructions over the centuries, each time restored to its grandeur, making it a symbol of Danish heritage and power.

How to get to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen by Train

From Copenhagen, you can easily reach Frederiksborg Castle by train.

Take a train from Copenhagen Central Station (København H) to Hillerød Station. The journey takes approximately 40 minutes. From Hillerød Station, it’s a 15-minute walk through the town to the castle, or you can take a local bus or taxi for a shorter ride.

Best Time to Visit Frederiksborg Castle

The best time to visit Frederiksborg Castle is during the spring and summer months (April to September). The weather is mild, and the castle grounds are in full bloom, enhancing the picturesque setting.

Autumn (October to November) also offers beautiful foliage colors, while winter (December to March) provides a quieter atmosphere with fewer tourists.

Frederiksborg Castle

Interesting Facts about Frederiksborg Castle

Frederiksborg Castle is famous for its impressive Baroque gardens, meticulously maintained since the 17th century.

The castle houses the Museum of National History, showcasing Danish history through art, portraits, and cultural artifacts.

It’s also known for its intricate interior decorations, including the Great Hall with its ornate ceiling and the Chapel with its stunning frescoes.

How Much Time to Spend at Frederiksborg Castle

Plan to spend at least half a day exploring Frederiksborg Castle and its extensive gardens. The castle’s museum alone can take a couple of hours to fully appreciate, while leisurely strolls through the gardens and along the castle lake add to the experience. If you’re a history buff or art enthusiast, you may want to allocate more time to immerse yourself in the exhibits and architectural details.

Tips for Visiting Frederiksborg Castle

  • Audio Guide: Consider renting an audio guide at the castle entrance to enhance your experience and learn more about its history and exhibits.
  • Plan Your Visit: Start your tour with the Museum of National History to gain insights into Danish culture and history. Don’t miss the impressive Great Hall and the Chapel’s beautiful frescoes.
  • Explore the Gardens: After touring the castle, take time to explore the Baroque gardens, which offer scenic views of Lake Slotsø.
  • Photography: Photography is allowed inside the castle but without flash. Capture the grandeur of the interiors and the picturesque landscapes.
  • Restaurants and Cafés: Enjoy a meal or coffee at one of the onsite restaurants or cafés overlooking the gardens for a relaxing break during your visit.

Our Frederiksborg Castle Visit plan

Museum of National History

After you get your tickets, start your visit with the Museum of National History, located within the castle. Explore exhibits that showcase Denmark’s cultural heritage through artworks, portraits, and historical artifacts.

Great Hall

Admire the ornate decorations and architecture of the Great Hall, which often hosts special exhibitions and events.

Frederiksborg Castle
Great Hall, Frederiksborg Castle


Visit the Chapel to see its stunning frescoes and learn about its historical significance.

Frederiksborg Castle

Privy Passage

In 1665, a fire destroyed the Privy Passage and the Audience Chamber. In 1681, King Christian V asked Lambert van Haven to rebuild them. These rooms are the only 17th-century living quarters in the Castle that still exist. They were made to be reception rooms in the baroque style, with help from German, Italian, French, and Dutch artists. The walls, ceilings, and floors match perfectly, and the materials create illusions. For example, the “draperies” are made of stucco, not fabric, and the wall panels are wood painted to look like marble.

Baroque Gardens

Then, head outside to the Baroque gardens. Take leisurely walks along the pathways, enjoy the serene lake views, and appreciate the meticulously maintained landscaping.

The gardens are truly beautiful. Unfortunately, we couldn’t visit them due to heavy rain. Additionally, there was major renovation happening at the back of the castle. The gardens are definitely worth spending time in, and you will need an extra 40 minutes to an hour to explore them fully.

Frederiksborg Castle
Baroque Gardens – View from Frederiksborg Castle: Trip to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen

Is Frederiksborg Castle Worth Visiting?

Frederiksborg Castle is definitely worth visiting for its historical significance, architectural beauty, and picturesque surroundings. Whether you’re interested in history, art, or simply enjoy exploring majestic castles, Frederiksborg provides a captivating glimpse into Danish culture and royalty. The castle’s well-preserved interiors, expansive gardens, and panoramic views of Lake Slotsø make it a must-see destination.

Does Anyone Live in Frederiksborg Castle?

No, Frederiksborg Castle is no longer a royal residence and hasn’t housed royalty since the 18th century. Today, it operates as a museum and cultural center, inviting people to explore its rich history and architectural splendor.

Frederiksborg Castle

What is Frederiksborg Castle Famous For?

Frederiksborg Castle boasts stunning Renaissance architecture, beautiful Baroque gardens, and serves as a symbol of Danish history and royalty. It hosts the Museum of National History, celebrated for its extensive collection of portraits, historical artifacts, and exhibits that illustrate Denmark’s cultural evolution from the Middle Ages to modern times. Its picturesque location on the shores of Lake Slotsø further enhances its status as one of Denmark’s most iconic landmarks.

Frederiksborg Castle

If you have extra couple of hours, spend some time exploring the town. Here are some tips on what to see and do in Hillerød

Exploring Hillerød: Beyond Frederiksborg Castle

Hillerød Center – Day trip to Frederiksborg Castle from Copenhagen

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