Lake Manyara Safari in pictures

Lake Manyara Safari in pictures

Discover Lake Manyara National Park in northern Tanzania for a unique safari amidst stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife. This essay covers its scenic beauty, ideal times to visit, and how to plan your adventure.

Lake Manyara National Park boasts stunning scenery that changes from dense forests to open plains and the shimmering Lake Manyara itself. The park is famous for its rare tree-climbing lions, elephants, giraffes feeding among acacia trees, and colorful flamingos along the lake’s shores. Its varied habitats support a wide range of wildlife, ensuring every safari drive is filled with exciting encounters with nature.

Best Time to Visit the park

The best time to visit Lake Manyara National Park is during the dry season, from June to October. During this period, vegetation is sparse, and animals gather around water sources like the lake, making wildlife viewing optimal. The weather is cooler, which makes game drives more comfortable. Alternatively, visiting in January to February, during the short dry season, offers lush green landscapes with fewer tourists.

How to Visit Lake Manyara

Start your journey in Mto wa Mbu near the park’s entrance. You can choose between guided tours, where local guides share their knowledge of the park’s wildlife and ecosystems, enhancing your safari experience. Alternatively, opt for self-driving to explore the park at your own pace. Follow well-marked trails and visit designated viewpoints and picnic sites to observe wildlife up close.

Here are my favorite pictures from Lake Manyara Safari.

Lake Manyara View
Silvery-cheeked Hornbill, Lake Manyara
Baby elephants, Lake Manyara
Impala, Lake Manyara
Zebras, Lake Manyara
Hippos, Lake Manyara
Monkey, Lake Manyara
Monkeys, Lake Manyara
Monkey, Lake Manyara
Giraffes, Lake Manyara
Giraffe, Lake Manyara
Lake Manyara National_Park



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