Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter

In West Iceland’s Borgarfjörður and the Silver Circle, you’ll find stunning landscapes and rich history. From Hraunfossar and Barnafoss waterfalls to Deildartunguhver Hot Spring, there’s natural beauty at every stop. Explore Reykholt’s ancient hot spring and Grábrók Crater’s volcanic landscapes. Here are Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in winter.

Why “Silver Circle”?

The “Silver Circle” is a term used to describe a scenic route in Iceland that includes attractions in the Borgarfjörður region, located in the western part of the country. It’s named the “Silver Circle” as a counterpart to the more famous “Golden Circle,” which encompasses popular tourist destinations in southern Iceland.

While the Golden Circle features iconic sites like the Þingvellir National Park, Geysir Geothermal Area, and Gullfoss Waterfall, the Silver Circle includes attractions such as Hraunfossar and Barnafoss waterfalls, Deildartunguhver hot spring, Reykholt historical site, and more in the Borgarfjörður area.

The term “Silver Circle” helps highlight the lesser-known but equally stunning attractions in western Iceland, offering visitors an alternative route to explore the country’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Driving West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle : Our Experience (in winter)

We spent the night in Borgarnes with the initial intention of driving to Snaefellsnes to explore Snaefellsjokull National Park and the Snaefellsjokull volcano. However, adverse weather conditions with high winds and heavy snowfall led to road closures, prompting us to move to Plan B: exploring Borgafjörður and the so-called “Silver Circle.”

Unfortunately, when we attempted to visit Víðgelmir Cave(we called them), it was closed as well. So, after breakfast, we started on our alternate itinerary. We first visited Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfalls, spending approximately 40 minutes exploring the surroundings and hiking trails. We then made our way to Reykholt, where we spent around 30 minutes before heading to Deildartunguhver Hot Spring. The heat emanating from the spring was very strong, providing a unique experience.

We decided not to spend time at Krauma (even though it was super tempting to enjoy hot spring during cold windy day), as we were determined to hike the crater. So, we drove to the Grábrók Crater. The hike to the top and around the crater rim was truly memorable, offering breathtaking views and solitude – we have not seen a single sole during the entire hike. As luck would have it, the sun emerged for the first time in three days, adding a magical touch to the experience.

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter - Grábrók Crater trail
Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter – Grábrók Crater trail

On our return journey to Reykjavik, we made a brief stop in Borgarnes to explore before continuing our drive. Despite missing out on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, our impromptu Plan B turned out to be a rewarding adventure. So, here is the list of best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle.

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter - Borgarnes
Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle in Winter – Borgarnes

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle


Borgarnes is a charming coastal town overlooking Borgarfjörður, offering a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. You can explore the Settlement Center, which delves into Iceland’s Viking history and settlement era through multimedia exhibits and artifacts, or simply enjoy panoramic views of the fjord and surrounding landscapes from scenic viewpoints.

Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfalls

Hraunfossar is a series of cascading waterfalls formed by rivulets streaming from a porous lava field, creating a mesmerizing sight as the water emerges seemingly out of nowhere and flows into the Hvítá River. Nearby, Barnafoss, or the “Children’s Waterfall,” is known for its vivid blue waters rushing through a narrow gorge, surrounded by cliffs and rugged terrain.

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle- Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfalls
Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle- Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfalls

Deildartunguhver Hot Spring ( Krauma hot springs)

Deildartunguhver is not only Europe’s most powerful hot spring but also the primary source of water for district heating in the region. You can witness the bubbling hot water emerging from the ground, reaching temperatures of nearly 100°C (212°F), and marvel at the steam rising from the thermal vents.

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle- Krauma hot springs
Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle- Krauma hot springs


Reykholt holds historical significance as the former residence of Snorri Sturluson, a medieval Icelandic scholar, and author of the Edda and Heimskringla. The Snorrastofa Cultural and Medieval Center offers insights into Snorri’s life and works, while Snorralaug, a hot spring pool dating back to the 10th century, is believed to have been used by Snorri himself for bathing and relaxation.

Best places to see in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle-Reykholt

Grábrók Crater

Grábrók is a volcanic crater formed during an eruption around 3,400 years ago. You can hike up the well-maintained trail to the crater’s rim, offering panoramic views of the surrounding lava fields, mountains, and lakes, providing a glimpse into Iceland’s volcanic history.

If you are visiting in winter, you probably won;t have muct day light left after visiting those four places. In case yuo do, here are more places to visit in West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle:

Langjökull Glacier

Langjökull, meaning “Long Glacier,” is Iceland’s second-largest glacier, covering vast expanses of ice and snow. Adventurous travelers can embark on snowmobile tours across the glacier’s surface, explore ice tunnels carved into the glacier, or even take helicopter flights for aerial views of this icy wilderness.

Víðgelmir Cave

Víðgelmir is one of Iceland’s largest lava caves, boasting stunning geological formations and underground chambers. Guided tours lead visitors through the cave’s labyrinthine passages, where they can marvel at intricate ice formations, stalactites, and stalagmites formed over thousands of years.

How much time you need to West Iceland’s Borgafjörður and the Silver circle?

The amount of time needed to explore West Iceland’s Borgarfjörður and the Silver Circle can vary depending on several factors such as your travel pace, specific attractions you plan to visit, and the activities you want to engage in. However, as a general guideline, a full day is usually sufficient to cover the main highlights of the area.

If you’re driving from Reykjavik or another nearby location, you can plan for a day trip to Borgarfjörður and the Silver Circle. This allows you to visit attractions like Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfalls, Deildartunguhver Hot Spring, Reykholt, Grábrók Crater, and potentially other points of interest along the route.

To make the most of your visit and have enough time to explore each attraction, allocate approximately 8-10 hours for the entire trip. This should provide you with enough flexibility to enjoy the sights, take short hikes, and even make some spontaneous stops along the way.

However, if you prefer a more leisurely pace or want to engage in additional activities such as longer hikes or guided tours, you might consider extending your stay in the area by an extra day or two.

Ultimately, the time you need to explore West Iceland’s Borgarfjörður and the Silver Circle depends on your preferences and the specific experiences you wish to have during your visit.


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