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5 reasons to visit Sequoia National Park in Spring

  We just came back for Weekend trip to Sequoia National Park.This was my fourth time in Sequoia National park, and it was my best time in the park. Is Sequoia park in your bucket list? If yes, I highly…


How to spend one day in Moshi, Tanzania

Moshi is a very nice and welcoming town. It will give you a good introduction into Tanzanian culture.  With positive attitude, some patience and right expectations, you will enjoy every minute in this town.


My perfect Mount Kilimanjaro climb – Where is the snow leopard carcass?

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and highest free standing mountain in the world. Here is a story about my perfect Kilimanjaro climb.


Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route day by day

Digitized collection of my personal notes from Mount Kilimanjaro climb in 2011 via Lemosho trail


Day 1 Kilimanjaro climb – My Kilimanjaro climb diary

We started our first day from a short brief in the hotel in Moshi. Here is a full report of my Day 1 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route.


Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Elevation: 9,495 ft to 11,420 ft Distance: 5.1 miles Hiking Time: 5.5 hrs Big Tree Camp – Shira 1 Camp (“Kibo View Day”) DAY 2 KILIMANJARO CLIMB VIA LEMOSHO ROUTE Kilimanjaro names Our guides used “Kili”, Kibo”, “Uhuru” and “Kilimanjaro”…


Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

I lost the appetite and was surviving primarily on gummy bears the rest of the day. Here is my repprt of Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route.


Day 4 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

We started our 11 mile hike early in the morning, the weather was sunny, but then the rain started. Here is my Day 4 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route.


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